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发布日期:2024-04-21    点击:

美国基本科学指标(Essential Science Indicator, ESI)2024年1月公布最新数据显示,以星空体育为唯一单位,星空体育生态与环境学院黄青老师为唯一通讯作者,2022年2月于环境科学与生态学领域TOP期刊《Environmental Technology & Innovation》(IF=7.1,中科院二区)发表的综述论文“Microplastics in the soil environment: A critical review”,与同年12月同样是环境科学与生态学领域TOP期刊的《星空体育》(IF=8.7,中科院二区)发表的研究论文“Abundance, spatial distribution, and characteristics of microplastics in agricultural soils and their relationship with contributing factors”双双被入选为ESI全球前1%高被引论文。

图1 ESI高被引查询截图


本次入选的高被引综述论文“ Microplastics in the soil environment: A critical review”,阐明了微塑料是当前公众与科研界关注的热点,微塑料在土壤中累积会导致土壤污染,进而影响土壤中的动植物与微生物,值得警惕微塑料可作为污染物载体存在于环境中,最后提出农业土壤中的微塑料研究发展方向。

图2 微塑料在土壤环境中的潜在生态环境学效应

本次入选高被引的研究性论文“Abundance, spatial distribution, and characteristics of microplastics in agricultural soils and their relationship with contributing factors”。 该论文重点关注了海南岛农业生态系统中微塑料污染程度,以及它们与地膜覆盖、耕作方式和社会环境因素的关系。研究结果显示:海南岛耕地土壤中微塑料丰度范围为2800 ~ 82500 粒每公斤,平均浓度为15461 粒每公斤。粒径在20 ~ 200 微米之间的微塑料丰度最高(占57.57%),微塑料以碎片状为主(占58.16%)。颜色以黑色为主 (占77.76%) 。其中聚乙烯(PE)(71.04%)和聚丙烯(PP)(19.83%)为主要聚合物类型。微塑料的平均丰度与微塑料粒径大小、环境温度和形状均呈极显著正相关(p<0.01),但与人口(p=0.21)、GDP (p=0.33),年降水量(p = 0.66)呈弱正相关。总之,地膜覆盖是研究区域土壤微塑料污染的主要来源,环境和社会因素促进了土壤微塑料的破碎化。微塑料对于环境的生态环境学效应亟待进一步重视与关注。


两篇论文均为唯一第一作者,分别是Muhammad Sajjad 博士以及Muhammad Amjad Khan 博士后。

近五年,黄青研究员团队带领城乡固废陆海统筹低碳资源化研究组,致力于城乡物质循环中生源要素在生物地球化学循环迁移转化过程中关键节点上的人为调控。主持或完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、农业农村部项目和海南省科技计划项目等纵向项目多项。在Journal of Environmental Management、Science of The Total Environment、Fuel Processing Technology、Chemosphere、Bioresourse Technology、Ecological Engineering等国内外期刊发表论文70余篇;指导已毕业研究生8位(其中博士3位);出站博士后2位,博士研究生2位,硕士研究生6位。目前为《星空体育》和《星空体育官方网站》编委,Science of The Total Environment、Chemosphere和《星空体育》、《星空体育平台星空体育官网》等30余期刊杂志的审稿专家;国家自然科学基金委项目评审库、巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心化学品与废物环境管理智库等专家; 黄青老师先后被海南省评为高层次领军人才和南海创新人才。


1. Muhammad Amjad Khan, Qing Huang*, Sardar Khan, Qingqing Wang, Jingjing Huang, Muhammad Sajjad, Yin Liu, Ondřej Mašek, Xiaohui Li, Junfeng Wang, Xiaomao Song. 2023. Abundance, spatial distribution, and characteristics of microplastics in tropical soils and their relationship with contributing factors. Journal of Environmental Management. 328:117006. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117006 . 【中科院大区1区,IF= 8.910Top 期刊,高被引论文

2. Muhammad Sajjad, Qing Huang*, Sardar Khan, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Liu Yin, Junfeng Wang, Faqin Lian, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo. 2022. Microplastics in the soil environment: A critical review. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 27102408. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2022.102408 【中科院2区,IF= 7.758Top 期刊,高被引论文

3. Yin Liu, Qing Huang*, Wen Hu, Jiemin Qin,Yingrui Zheng, Junfeng Wang**, Qingqing Wang,Yuxin Xu, Genmao Guo, Shan Hu, Li Xu. 2021. Effects of plastic mulch film residues on soil-microbe-plant systems under different soil pH conditions. Chemosphere. 267:128901. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128901 【中科院2区,IF= 8.943Top 期刊】

4. Yin Liu, Wen Hu, Qing Huang*, Jiemin Qin, Yingrui Zheng, Junfeng Wang, Xiaohui Li, Qingqing Wang, Genmao Guo, Shan Hu. 2022. Plastic mulch debris in rhizosphere: Interactions with soil-microbe-plant systems. Science of the Total Environment. 807. 151435. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151435 【中科院1区,IF= 10.753Top 期刊】

5. Muhammad Amjad Khan, Sunjeet Kumar, Qingqing Wang, Mengzhao Wang, Shah Fahad, Mir Muhammad Nizamani, Kenlin Chang, Sardar Khan, Qing Huang*, Guopeng Zhu*. 2023. Influence of polyvinyl chloride microplastic on chromium uptake and toxicity in sweet potato. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 251, 114526. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.114526 . 【中科院大区2区,小区毒理学1区,IF= 7.129Top 期刊】

6. Yin Liu, Matthias C. Rillig, Quan Liu, Jingjing Huang, Muhammad Amjad Khan, Xiaohui Li, Qin Liu, Qingqing Wang, Xuesong Su, Linyi Lin, Yang Bai , Genmao Guo , Yi Huang, Yong Sik Ok , Shan Hu, Junfeng Wang, Honggang Ni, Qing Huang*. 2023. Factors affecting the distribution of microplastics in soils of China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 17(9):110. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-023-1710-4 【中科院2区,IF= 6.048

7. Changheng Li, Qing Huang*, Haixiang Zhang, Qingqing Wang, Rixin Xue, Genmao Guo, Jie Hu, Tinghang Li, Junfeng Wang, Shan Hu. 2021. Characterization of biochars produced by co-pyrolysis of Hami melon (cantaloupes) straw mixed with polypropylene and their adsorption properties of cadmium. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18; 11413. http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182111413 【中科院3区,IF= 4.614
